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Facebook Image Sizes: Profile Pics, Ads & Posts

We often get asked about the ‘latest’ image dimensions for Facebook.  As you are aware these are often changing, so we do our best to keep everyone (including ourselves), up-to-date.

Here is a quick Facebook cheat sheet and photoshop template to help you get the best results for managing your page and image quality 🙂
Please Note: We update this page regularly to keep up to date with Facebook’s regular platform updates. This post was last updated 14th October 2016.

Facebook Profile Image Size

Yes, you will notice the profile image has recently detached itself from the cover image.  It is best to follow the square image dimensions and size your image to be at least:

180 wide x 180 high (pixels)

Tip:  If you have any text in your logo, please save the image as a PNG file to help with image clarity.

Facebook Cover Image Dimensions & Mobile Safe Area

Now that the cover image is exposed…you need to make ‘her’ look pretty, well pretty informative and ‘on brand’.  On brand? you say…well you know something that promotes your business / organisation and gets that message across.  Make sure it is part of a campaign that fits within your marketing content schedule.  Change it regularly and again, make it pretty!

Desktop – 828 wide x 315 high (pixels)
Mobile Safe – 560 wide x 315 high (pixels)

Tip:  Look out for the mobile safe area…this is a must as most web traffic is tipping over 50% mobile…much much less for tablets…focus on the mobile!

Facebook Post Image Dimensions

There are quite a number of varying post types and post sizes. As you aware pay close attention to the content you are posting to help select your best post type for your audience.   This will ensure a good quality post (well at least the image will look good, the rest is up to you) 🙂  Some image sizes below:

Timeline / Newsfeed Feed Image -1200px x 900px
Timeline / Newsfeed Feed Link – 1200px x 628px
Video – 1200px x 675px
Carousel Ad Format – 600px x 600px

Tip:  Facebook recommends minimal text on all images, especially Facebook Ads.  Try keeping your text within the post itself and not within the image… let the photo / graphic do the talking!

Facebook Photoshop PSD Template – Posts Image Dimensions

Please find a PSD template to help guide you with the new dimensions for Facebook.  Simply download the file, drag and drop your images and content into it, fit to scale, export and off you go!


Facebook PSD Template (2.1MB)

PLEASE NOTE:  The digital assets within the Facebook template are created in actual-size for you.

Image, Dimensions, Profile Image, Cover Photo….what?

We know you get it and the guide can be useful, but at the end of the day sometimes you are just looking for someone to manage your social media for you.  You know how important it is to your business, but finding the time and training yourself up with image editing and sourcing the right images and photos can require some effort…

Can you please help manage my Facebook Business Page?

Well yes we can!  That’s what we love doing, strategising, posting, monitoring, editing images, posting and then…getting the results we both want for your organisation.  Let us know how we can help?  If the guide alone is a great help, then ‘TICK’ we have done our job…if you are looking for more help, then please give us a call.